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The Hand That Pulls You Under

    The Hand That Pulls You Under

    "James Flynn is a fantastic storyteller!"-The Nerdy Narrative

    Bestselling author James Flynn invites you to cling to the precipice of terror in his most unsettling collection yet.

    A time-traveling "date merchant" sells information about future disasters to clients who want to eliminate their enemies. A hedonistic space cruise takes a sinister turn when pleasure-seeking passengers fall victim to an AI's desperate bid for freedom. Immortal aliens with an insatiable appetite for cruelty turn Earth's inhabitants into their latest playthings.

    These tales and others are The Hand That Pulls You Under. Don't struggle... death is just part of the process.

    "A pleasant (although disturbing) surprise."-The Inked Reader

    "An exceptional collection of short stories!"-Todd Wittenmyer, author of The Vulnerable Gods

    "Flynn writes with a Kingstonian flair for the darkest of fears but with an added twist of mystery that will keep you turning pages for the next revelation."-Rex Payne, author of Eagle Pass

    "I recommend this collection to fans of horror, fans of the weird, and fans of science-fiction that mixes in weird horror elements."-Jeremy Fee, author of Eclectic Nightmares


    About the Author: James Flynn

    James Flynn grew up in England.

    His stories cross the boundaries of horror, sci-fi, and sci-fi horror. An absurdist at heart, Flynn’s tales tend to highlight the many paradoxes and predicaments that come attached to human existence.

    James Flynn’s stories have been compared to those of the hit TV series, The Twilight Zone, due to their eeriness and atmospheric nature.

    James's work has appeared in Black Petals Magazine, Yellow Mama Magazine, The Scare Room Podcast, Weird Mask Magazine, Patty’s Short Stax Anthology, Local Haunts Anthology, Lurking in the Dark Anthology, Alien Buddha Press and Horror Hill Podcast.

    When he is not writing, James Flynn can sometimes be found rummaging through shelves in second-hand bookstores, or wandering aimlessly through the streets of the secret city in which he now lives.

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